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mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013


Directed by Solano Ribeiro 1973
This documentary filmed at Novos Baianos' own commune in the western part of Rio de Janeiro, a place they called the 'Sitio de Vovô' in Jacarepaguá, is a riveting glimpse into this once-in-a-universe band at the peak of their creative and musical powers.
A musical band deciding to 'drop out', go "off the grid" or whatnot, and live communally is not in itself unique. I refer the reader to any of the coveted albums of Father Yod and The Source Family. However while those albums are mind-blowing in their utter unworldliness, with some of them falling squarely in the 'outsider artist' category and verge on sheer unlistenable excruciating aural abuse, Novos Baianos made some of the most coherent, flexible, and just damn beautiful music you're likely to ever hear. They were all top notch musicians with a profound knowledge of and respect for their musical predecessors in Brazil, but expanded on those root with all the splendor of a sprawling jaqueira or pé de manga tree.



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